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I care a great deal about the organizations and the people with whom I have the pleasure of working. I have a deep sense of mission about the importance of my message and the difference it can make in both organizations and people’s lives, so I would be thrilled to be able to help you keep the momentum alive after a speaking engagement. Please let me know any way I can be of service to your organization, and thank you again for the privilege of spending time with you and your very special people. The best part of my work is receiving the positive feedback from people that have heard me speak telling me how my message has impacted their lives and work. Thank you for this wonderful gift! It means the world to me.
Make the most of your upcoming speaking engagement! Lisa offers additional options to drive home the message and help apply it in your organization.
This is a great way to reinforce the content and customize it for your organization by offering any of the following additional opportunities:
Pre-Speaking Engagement Options
Teleclass or Webinar – A teleclass or webinar can be arranged before the speaking engagement to introduce the material and start the creative juices flowing, to allow participants to get to know Lisa a little better, and to gather feedback from attendees to get an idea of their biggest challenges in order for Lisa to further customize her presentation.
Feedback Gathering/Focus Groups or Train the Facilitator – Having Lisa conduct interviews with select members of your organization prior to a speaking engagement is a productive way for her to gather information and get feedback that directly pertains to the topic of her presentation. This allows for an even deeper customization of the material. Focus groups allow participants across all levels of the organization to express both their concerns and their ideas to make the organization an even better place to work. They are very positively focused, build morale, and amazing ideas have come from them. Lisa can also do a “Train the Facilitator” session to teach several of your employees to run these groups themselves on a regular basis.
Post-Speaking Engagement Options
Teleclass or Webinar – A teleclass or webinar can be arranged after Lisa’s presentation providing attendees further opportunity to ask questions after they have had a chance to incorporate the ideas of her presentation, as well as to give upward feedback of any continuing challenges.
Consulting or Coaching – Many corporate and organizational clients benefit from a combination of speaking plus consulting or coaching. Usually, this involves a presentation followed by consulting or coaching with individual managers/employees/team members in person or by Skype or phone to apply the content at an individual, department or division level. Because attendees participated in the presentation, they are ready to work at a deeper level to tackle the challenges and apply the content learned. Some of Lisa’s clients have utilized her on a retainer basis where she spends 1-3 days per month in some part of their organization, encouraging, advising, and training.
Team Building Exercises – After the initial excitement of a speaking event, it is essential to find ways to encourage others not only to find commonalities but also to honor and value differences. Team building exercise are designed to create a new spirit of “We’re all in this together, so let’s enjoy one another and make it the best experience possible for everyone.”
Articles for Your Organization’s Newsletter or Website – Lisa has a ton of great written content in the areas of work-life balance, professional and personal development, leadership, time management, productivity, business and entrepreneurship. Visit the Article Library. You may use any of these articles in your newsletters or on your website by simply including Lisa’s Reprint Box and copyright, notifying us for permission, and sending us a hard copy or providing a link to our website. Lisa is also always willing to write a new article for your organization if you allow her to retain the copyright and you request it with enough lead time.
Reinforcement Materials – Many clients choose to purchase Lisa’s written and multi-media materials for participants to reinforce what they learned during her presentation, apply it to their work and lives, and continue the experience of improving personal and professional development. These materials may include books, workbooks, e-books, home study courses, MP3 audio programs, CDs, and videos. And don’t forget about the free e-zine, Create Your Purpose, Live Your Passion. Many clients choose to give a subscription to attendees as an added bonus after one of Lisa’s speaking engagements. It’s a great way to keep the message reinforced long after the speech is over. Ask Lisa for assistance in putting together a Reinforcement Package that best meets the needs of your event and your group.
Contact Lisa today to make the most of your event.
← Make the Most of Your Event With Pre & Post Speaking Engagement Options