These are some strange times! Who would have ever thought we’d be hunkered down at home, all trying to get work done, tend to our families, stay safe and healthy, while watching (and stressing about!) a global crisis?
As a productivity consultant, I’m paying close attention to the way my clients, colleagues, and friends are handling this unique time. You might be experiencing difficulty staying focused and productive right now while working from home. While some of you may be the opposite and getting more done than ever! And others may need to just chill out right now and give yourself a free pass to do much much less.
Whatever your situation, I want to help! So I teamed up with my college pal, David Sarnoff, who is a leadership coach, and we made a video with tips and strategies for staying productive during this difficult time (with some additional tips on how to effectively lead a team and treat coworkers with compassion right now).
I hope that you find the information useful!