Get Raving Fans Through Your Facebook Business Fan Page
Written by Lisa Montanaro | March 16, 2012

Many of you are probably already members of Facebook, the ever-growing, very popular social media site. By “member,” I mean that you have a personal profile. Millions of people do.

But how many know that businesses can create Facebook pages, which are called fan pages? The main difference is that a profile is personal and, therefore, linked to an individual person, while a fan page is linked to a business or organization. Another major difference is that profiles can only be entirely viewed by people that you “friend,” while fan pages are completely open to anyone on the web.

Why create a fan page for your business or organization? Fan pages are a great way for a business to get online exposure, keep in touch with clients, reach prospects, establish credibility, offer specials, etc. In other words, to develop the KLT (Know, Like & Trust) factor that is so important in doing business today. Fan pages can also increase your search engine optimization (SEO) online and drive traffic to your website or blog.

I created a Facebook fan page for my business, LM Organizing Solutions, LLC. You can visit my fan page at
. I plan to offer organizing tips, advice, inspiration and motivation! I also plan to “reward” my fans by offering special deals that only they are privy to, such as audio recordings available to fans only, discounts on products and services, periodic giveaways, etc. In addition, I plan to “use” my fans wisely by asking them pointed questions about their favorite organizing products, as well as their ideas for future blog posts, teleclasses, and article topics. It will be a wonderful, two-way relationship! Best yet, we can stay in touch on a daily basis and it is totally interactive!

So head on over to Facebook, check out the LMOS Fan Page, and click on the box on top that says “Become a Fan.” I promise you will be pleased you did so!

Copyright © 2009 Lisa Montanaro of LM Organizing Solutions, LLC.

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Copyright 2009. Lisa Montanaro is a Productivity Consultant, Success Coach, Business Strategist, Speaker and Author who helps people live successful and passionate lives, and operate productive and profitable businesses. Lisa publishes the monthly “DECIDE® to be Organized” e-zine for success-minded individuals, and “Next Level Business Success” e-zine for entrepreneurs. Subscribe today at Lisa is the author of The Ultimate Life Organizer: An Interactive Guide to a Simpler, Less Stressful & More Organized Life, published by Peter Pauper Press. Lisa also publishes the DECIDE® to be Organized blog at Through her work, Lisa helps people deal with the issues that block personal and professional change and growth. To explore how Lisa can help take your business to the next level, contact Lisa at (845) 988-0183 or by e-mail at

Meet the Author

Helping others be the best versions of themselves gets me jazzed!

I’ve worn many hats in my lifetime—often at the same time—while enjoying fulfilling careers. I’ve been a performer, teacher, sign language instructor, lawyer, career counselor, law professor, coach, consultant, mediator, entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, writer, and author. 

I’m an eternal optimist and life-long learner, constantly researching ways to improve personal and professional effectiveness. And it brings me great joy to then pass on the results of that persistent curiosity to my clients and audiences. 

Of all the career hats I’ve been privileged to wear, my favorite is owner of this business since 2002. Why? Because it provides me the opportunity to work with wonderful organizational and individual clients. On any given day, I get to connect deeply with audiences, work with dedicated teams, improve workplaces, watch clients have a-ha moments, and know I’ve made a difference in their lives and careers. And that is very satisfying.